Monday, August 2, 2010

Fall is coming...what will you be rocking??

SOoo, I'm hearing that gold is the new cliche, but it is looking pretty chic. I was scoping out and some of the top designers and fashionistas are saying gold is a go! I'll link some cute stuff I see as I come by it..I'll show the expensive for those of yall that are BALLLiN' like that and the chicchik stuff for those of us who are still on our climbin grind! =) tootles chiks!

Sunday, July 11, 2010

The story continues...

i CAN'T wait to buy this dress!! Forever 21 never fails me when it comes to party dresses, especially when there's cheetah involved! In this "Khaki Leopard Print Dress" you'll be sure to turn a good way..

Monday, July 5, 2010

The Beginning..

Well let me start off with MY fashion pet peeves...After we get these out the way then we can get on to the more fashionable things in life! =) So pet peeve
number one: I hate skinny jeans..on guys! Guys these are not fashionable, and whoever told you they were..LIED!
number two: Floral print, and lots of it! Ugh why do people subject themselves to such a hideous design..well let me rephrase that, all prints can turn out hideous if not worn in moderation.
number three: While I'm still discussing prints, let me address plaid..I'm so happy we're moving on from this era.
Those are just my top three for now, but later down the road there'll be me. Next post I'll be sure to give you all some fashionable things I've found (I'm still getting used to this whole blogging thing).